F2P Overall EHP Hiscores
Rank Name Account Level XP EHP
1576 HCIM Aspros HCIM 310 41,910,472 367.4
1577 Bl0ckin h8rs IM 1098 19,270,080 366.99
1578 lronscim IM 1058 16,686,954 366.99
1579 bald only UIM 1090 21,378,984 366.82
1580 Lol 1ohp Reg 362 63,187,081 366.25
1581 Cici vitalia Reg 1185 65,466,557 365.9
1582 IronMrLahey IM 1082 17,828,205 365.68
1583 daring goat Reg 1238 59,880,953 365.39
1584 elboricua128 Reg 1160 43,510,923 365.21
1585 f2pislife Reg 1061 50,982,430 365.17
1586 yippeyapoo IM 1054 18,847,024 365.14
1587 Binary Mind IM 1102 19,262,521 364.5
1588 F2p Zipr IM 1088 20,075,819 364.27
1589 Talserim IM 1045 17,805,605 364.24
1590 lady sas Reg 704 53,264,925 363.88
1591 UlM Shaman UIM 1046 17,761,354 363.64
1592 Imnotab IM 998 16,931,807 363.41
1593 NikzeeLMate Reg 1201 56,983,207 363.3
1594 jake the dog Reg 1185 69,946,034 363.06
1595 The Dark Sol HCIM 1089 18,587,444 362.98
1596 Hyoma x IM 899 16,823,536 362.91
1597 syslog IM 1123 22,263,370 362.87
1598 nolife 4me Reg 717 53,608,683 362.57
1599 iwix UIM 992 21,572,638 362.47
1600 Aquaruim UIM 1018 23,630,610 362.45
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