F2P Mining XP Hiscores
Rank Name Account Level XP EHP
13526 kid pyro20 Reg 1 0 0.0
13527 F2p Main Reg 1 0 0.0
13528 joebote Reg 1 0 0.0
13529 w1 musk Reg 1 0 0.0
13530 aegretudo Reg 1 0 0.0
13531 Malupeyt Reg 1 0 0.0
13532 37Pianos Reg 1 0 0.0
13533 GnarlyGroupy Reg 1 0 0.0
13534 Deficion Reg 1 0 0.0
13535 Bars2smith Reg 1 0 0.0
13536 3etdream Reg 1 0 0.0
13537 ripadelalt1 Reg 1 0 0.0
13538 sentpast Reg 1 0 0.0
13539 i thaw Reg 1 0 0.0
13540 The oak Reg 1 0 0.0
13541 machampzilla Reg 1 0 0.0
13542 goldy rocks Reg 1 0 0.0
13543 nootn00tnoot Reg 0 0 0.0
13544 aarongonz89 Reg 1 0 0.0
13545 office scape Reg 0 0 0.0
13546 Whole cogan Reg 0 0 0.0
13547 xTyrannus Reg 1 0 0.0
13548 rossiraws Reg 0 0 0.0
13549 F2P Gargrim Reg 1 0 0.0
13550 viperdarsh Reg 1 0 0.0
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