F2P Firemaking EHP Hiscores
Rank Name Account Level XP EHP
13076 Also Ejx Reg 1 0 0.0
13077 ForKingCool Reg 1 0 0.0
13078 Afropops Reg 1 0 0.0
13079 Lil Soaker Reg 1 0 0.0
13080 Righty1823 Reg 1 0 0.0
13081 1669gang Reg 1 0 0.0
13082 I sent god Reg 1 0 0.0
13083 saint zaff Reg 1 0 0.0
13084 h00kay Reg 1 0 0.0
13085 linkpro07 Reg 1 0 0.0
13086 1ceCobra Reg 1 0 0.0
13087 w308 anvil Reg 1 0 0.0
13088 DarkAlicia Reg 1 0 0.0
13089 Urinebeam Reg 1 0 0.0
13090 winterweihe Reg 1 0 0.0
13091 vlamer pure Reg 1 0 0.0
13092 NoItsTooBig Reg 1 0 0.0
13093 King Wiwsun Reg 1 0 0.0
13094 The Squick Reg 1 0 0.0
13095 You Krillin Reg 1 0 0.0
13096 Dr Chiro Reg 1 0 0.0
13097 M337 47 1337 Reg 1 0 0.0
13098 Placet Redem Reg 1 0 0.0
13099 cogleviathan Reg 1 0 0.0
13100 salty pine Reg 1 0 0.0
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