F2P Runecraft EHP Hiscores
Rank Name Account Level XP EHP
12151 HC F2P cx HCIM 1 0 0.0
12152 StinkyVic UIM 1 0 0.0
12153 f2p oxytocin UIM 1 0 0.0
12154 dr poulin UIM 1 0 0.0
12155 Uiminname UIM 1 0 0.0
12156 sorry i quit UIM 1 0 0.0
12157 squiddy o UIM 1 0 0.0
12158 kpop good UIM 1 0 0.0
12159 gu the tramp UIM 1 0 0.0
12160 JurijSotscha UIM 1 0 0.0
12161 Freeuimvoo UIM 1 0 0.0
12162 IFe Jimothy UIM 1 0 0.0
12163 F2P Gengus UIM 1 0 0.0
12164 Elf x dragon UIM 1 0 0.0
12165 van t heden UIM 1 0 0.0
12166 funcat UIM 1 0 0.0
12167 GarbageUIMan UIM 1 0 0.0
12168 Uim mr egirl UIM 1 0 0.0
12169 1 strngth UIM 1 0 0.0
12170 burghderock UIM 1 0 0.0
12171 ivan 16 UIM 1 0 0.0
12172 Yattas TT UIM 1 0 0.0
12173 Jydn xo UIM 1 0 0.0
12174 sainte marie UIM 1 0 0.0
12175 u4i2m0 UIM 1 0 0.0
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