F2P Fishing EHP Hiscores
Rank Name Account Level XP EHP
11326 vaelpotatoes UIM 1 20 0.0
11327 liamlowlevel UIM 1 20 0.0
11328 celtic harp UIM 1 20 0.0
11329 2fire4u UIM 1 20 0.0
11330 Auntyskill UIM 1 20 0.0
11331 ibbyhc UIM 1 20 0.0
11332 F2P Gengus UIM 1 20 0.0
11333 red goods UIM 1 20 0.0
11334 F2P Tree Guy UIM 1 20 0.0
11335 GoreGalore HCIM 1 20 0.0
11336 Platini HCIM 1 20 0.0
11337 vvarrock HCIM 1 20 0.0
11338 F2p hcim btw HCIM 1 20 0.0
11339 Whats hulu HCIM 1 20 0.0
11340 Sakura Windy HCIM 1 20 0.0
11341 f2p sailing HCIM 1 20 0.0
11342 demicazi iv HCIM 1 20 0.0
11343 f2p dot wiki HCIM 1 20 0.0
11344 hcim lvl 3 HCIM 1 20 0.0
11345 born to wc HCIM 1 20 0.0
11346 Snusja HCIM 1 20 0.0
11347 qhcimp HCIM 1 20 0.0
11348 Jrjoker07 HCIM 1 20 0.0
11349 WhyAm I Iron HCIM 1 20 0.0
11350 Pvpf2phcim HCIM 1 20 0.0
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