F2P Mining XP Hiscores
Rank Name Account Level XP EHP
11276 I go by fish UIM 1 35 0.0
11277 Uiminname UIM 1 35 0.0
11278 gu the tramp UIM 1 35 0.0
11279 F2P Gengus UIM 1 35 0.0
11280 Elf x dragon UIM 1 35 0.0
11281 funcat UIM 1 35 0.0
11282 GarbageUIMan UIM 1 35 0.0
11283 Uim mr egirl UIM 1 35 0.0
11284 ivan 16 UIM 1 35 0.0
11285 Yattas TT UIM 1 35 0.0
11286 sainte marie UIM 1 35 0.0
11287 Gnh UIM 1 35 0.0
11288 Lvl 3 Vindex UIM 1 35 0.0
11289 Mossyblumkin UIM 1 35 0.0
11290 Radagastra UIM 1 35 0.0
11291 wixime UIM 1 35 0.0
11292 1defNishi UIM 1 35 0.0
11293 Faladorked UIM 1 35 0.0
11294 F2P Foxi UIM 1 35 0.0
11295 swamp stick UIM 1 35 0.0
11296 Racoon panic UIM 1 35 0.0
11297 bobei2221 UIM 1 35 0.0
11298 Knoedaw UIM 1 35 0.0
11299 weeb tiger UIM 1 35 0.0
11300 Dungeonsewer UIM 1 35 0.0
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