F2P Mining XP Hiscores
Rank Name Account Level XP EHP
11151 f2p uim clue UIM 1 35 0.0
11152 Game of F2P UIM 1 35 0.0
11153 Sewer_Face UIM 1 35 0.0
11154 1def uim UIM 1 35 0.0
11155 F D N P UIM 1 35 0.0
11156 VerkeerdeGat UIM 1 35 0.0
11157 i go by liam UIM 1 35 0.0
11158 UI Sewer Rat UIM 1 35 0.0
11159 UimPowerTank UIM 1 35 0.0
11160 Since 1985 UIM 1 35 0.0
11161 artificing UIM 1 35 0.0
11162 Weird xp UIM 1 35 0.0
11163 Miss Bury UIM 1 35 0.0
11164 sushiisawful UIM 1 35 0.0
11165 Pet Dog UIM 1 35 0.0
11166 slutlover564 UIM 1 35 0.0
11167 Ever Grande UIM 1 35 0.0
11168 uim magusf2p UIM 1 35 0.0
11169 Rune Berries UIM 1 35 0.0
11170 Yewniqueness UIM 1 35 0.0
11171 Why Sk1ll UIM 1 35 0.0
11172 I Blue I UIM 1 35 0.0
11173 Bound2wildy UIM 1 35 0.0
11174 haha wood UIM 1 35 0.0
11175 qI O O Ip UIM 1 35 0.0
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