F2P Cooking EHP Hiscores
Rank Name Account Level XP EHP
9876 tetsu jinn UIM 41 42,804 0.02
9877 UIM Tmet UIM 41 42,749 0.02
9878 F2PManBeast UIM 41 42,740 0.02
9879 gildfist HCIM 41 42,724 0.02
9880 pengrubik IM 41 42,648 0.02
9881 Nlqo IM 41 42,615 0.02
9882 Coinflipx IM 41 42,598 0.02
9883 tetsujin san UIM 41 42,560 0.02
9884 Weird xp UIM 41 42,519 0.02
9885 Hajfo IM 41 42,518 0.02
9886 first hc1m HCIM 41 42,516 0.02
9887 dclue IM 41 42,468 0.02
9888 toesonmynose HCIM 41 42,400 0.02
9889 tummywumbles IM 41 42,396 0.02
9890 whitto uim UIM 41 42,383 0.02
9891 UIM Rusty59 UIM 41 42,208 0.02
9892 the lee dude HCIM 41 42,158 0.02
9893 F2P UIM Lily UIM 41 42,136 0.02
9894 Iso Jihadi IM 41 42,078 0.02
9895 daisy tech HCIM 41 42,038 0.02
9896 Spell shrike HCIM 41 42,020 0.02
9897 lumbridgical UIM 41 42,010 0.02
9898 Radda Fe IM 41 42,008 0.02
9899 Adc 2k18 HCIM 41 41,968 0.02
9900 itsabeverage IM 41 41,896 0.02
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