F2P Overall EHP Hiscores
Rank Name Account Level XP EHP
5151 freecoco5 IM 716 2,860,492 105.86
5152 Catch of Day Reg 625 22,204,513 105.8
5153 3 Dude UIM 837 3,994,926 105.68
5154 josephparky UIM 884 5,130,771 105.65
5155 fl0cked IM 729 3,191,545 105.65
5156 R0LLAN0THER1 IM 832 3,754,181 105.58
5157 RCsos UIM 409 1,859,728 105.58
5158 gnomesize UIM 559 8,227,518 105.57
5159 Earls fat UIM 783 3,519,726 105.56
5160 battleboyone Reg 540 12,078,763 105.49
5161 Hospitals UIM 753 2,966,866 105.43
5162 KG_Spizdi IM 824 4,627,847 105.4
5163 two ton 2016 UIM 807 3,307,872 105.37
5164 Got Hockey IM 852 3,613,819 105.34
5165 ULT Anduin UIM 828 3,419,910 105.34
5166 brainscript UIM 421 8,279,952 105.32
5167 uitimatpanda UIM 850 4,196,371 105.31
5168 iclog in f2p UIM 693 3,183,978 105.28
5169 i stream f2p Reg 882 9,900,460 105.27
5170 LeIronicMan HCIM 803 3,675,312 105.26
5171 BADDECAF UIM 820 3,801,241 105.23
5172 Lack Laws UIM 461 3,200,751 105.22
5173 Letmiii Reg 1011 10,959,241 105.21
5174 F2P lexx HCIM 867 5,244,318 105.18
5175 Potablewater UIM 678 2,698,056 105.15
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