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Last Updated: 12 minutes ago
Personal scores for Tru and Blu
Level XP EHP Rank F2P Rank
1159 70,786,286 868.25 261,335 566
60 275,480 12.76 263,227 2,648
99 13,323,439 317.5 50,621 87
33 18,714 3.74 421,267 7,574
96 10,660,784 0.0 0 437
98 13,034,393 340.09 55,588 283
45 64,434 0.0 253,876 8,715
99 13,788,337 0.0 42,074 1,894
77 1,628,843 0.79 139,802 4,225
77 1,557,687 26.73 127,026 1,397
77 1,599,038 27.84 159,215 1,707
77 1,476,345 11.64 318,204 885
77 1,609,281 80.52 121,283 348
86 3,936,506 164.02 44,391 493
93 7,609,516 0.0 38,167 3,094
57 203,489 37.68 167,067 646
Time to Hours
All 99s 5,154.09
All 200m 91,110.12
Clues Score Rank F2P Rank
Beginner 2067 40 39
Minigame Score Rank
Last Man Standing 616 45897
Boss Kill Count Rank
Obor 350 136
Bryophyta 377 182
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