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Display: Stats | Gains | Records
Last Updated: about 4 hours ago
Personal scores for Tame My Wild
Level XP EHP Rank F2P Rank
1293 146,312,373 1,549.21 50,458 239
99 46,029,980 935.85 52 14
99 13,034,434 311.7 4,165 262
99 13,034,434 270.01 2,081 129
99 25,994,736 0.0 112 62
89 5,134,892 157.09 8,787 811
59 261,469 0.0 25,247 7,929
80 2,069,188 0.0 19,062 2,448
99 13,034,858 6.35 2,083 1,320
92 7,073,040 97.21 3,968 561
99 13,034,480 173.13 3,649 268
79 1,838,927 14.42 117,586 794
80 2,055,485 102.83 13,144 264
73 1,017,853 29.72 12,279 1,918
82 2,481,740 0.0 14,057 3,753
57 216,857 40.16 28,451 627
Time to Hours
All 99s 4,671.63
All 200m 89,968.22
Clues Score Rank F2P Rank
Beginner 0 0 8354
Minigame Score Rank
Last Man Standing 0 0
Boss Kill Count Rank
Obor 33 1027
Bryophyta 0 0
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