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Display: Stats | Gains | Records
Last Updated: about 2 hours ago
Personal scores for Iron Gige
Level XP EHP Rank F2P Rank
1301 69,272,705 1,222.2 227,992 345
92 6,518,706 139.8 63,351 357
96 9,694,397 241.07 79,562 321
92 6,545,834 138.93 55,967 334
94 8,606,979 0.0 0 537
81 2,348,354 84.61 136,840 1,348
78 1,660,695 31.28 68,838 422
82 2,432,628 0.0 131,296 2,346
91 5,909,510 2.88 62,579 1,995
85 3,260,310 50.28 79,673 883
91 5,905,336 85.11 57,183 648
84 2,952,505 22.95 241,862 558
74 1,111,744 55.64 142,024 574
89 4,865,118 202.71 33,308 353
92 6,559,111 0.0 49,974 3,167
72 901,478 166.94 89,618 195
Time to Hours
All 99s 4,866.65
All 200m 90,828.49
Clues Score Rank F2P Rank
Beginner 1079 173 111
Minigame Score Rank
Last Man Standing 1698 5924
Boss Kill Count Rank
Obor 502 61
Bryophyta 171 1498
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