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Personal scores for Iron of One
Level XP EHP Rank F2P Rank
1012 10,742,967 233.68 299,554 2,574
60 296,834 13.21 244,635 2,482
69 683,329 28.5 230,987 3,060
60 274,278 12.23 233,872 2,641
69 672,438 0.0 83,393 4,155
68 639,694 33.65 206,806 3,263
55 167,098 11.06 180,773 1,152
64 427,297 0.0 236,810 4,110
76 1,440,977 0.7 146,292 4,338
75 1,312,793 22.86 144,259 1,530
74 1,120,974 21.11 193,289 2,150
70 757,462 6.13 376,553 1,391
70 752,845 37.7 156,949 2,083
70 743,336 30.97 144,091 1,820
76 1,369,595 0.0 144,819 4,297
48 84,017 15.56 206,804 1,373
Time to Hours
All 99s 5,941.66
All 200m 91,903.50
Clues Score Rank F2P Rank
Beginner 127 11508 1518
Minigame Score Rank
Last Man Standing 606 49576
Boss Kill Count Rank
Obor 77 1910
Bryophyta 19 13760
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