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Last Updated: about 2 hours ago
Personal scores for the f2p uim
Level XP EHP Rank F2P Rank
1410 193,695,528 2,145.64 9,495 139
99 18,000,000 370.73 603 34
99 18,000,000 411.41 966 51
99 18,000,000 370.33 483 36
99 24,445,649 0.0 50,636 68
99 16,318,083 412.9 1,767 73
75 1,315,118 0.0 3,084 7,473
99 18,227,016 0.0 695 1,866
99 13,437,843 6.55 643 1,232
99 14,122,489 174.92 715 134
99 13,110,506 173.97 1,275 186
99 13,085,880 100.6 3,513 101
78 1,677,030 83.91 5,202 336
89 4,856,583 202.36 1,557 368
99 18,216,465 0.0 236 2,898
71 882,866 163.49 5,442 201
Time to Hours
All 99s 3,995.99
All 200m 89,572.94
Clues Score Rank F2P Rank
Beginner 621 170 330
Minigame Score Rank
Last Man Standing 0 0
Boss Kill Count Rank
Obor 101 156
Bryophyta 206 49
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