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Last Updated: about 12 hours ago
Personal scores for cok the roc
Level XP EHP Rank F2P Rank
835 3,640,045 87.23 21,486 5,915
50 106,011 9.11 18,064 4,184
60 300,378 16.9 15,984 4,389
60 280,439 12.36 11,671 2,461
60 300,221 0.0 0 5,653
45 67,746 10.64 22,063 6,591
45 63,271 3.55 16,300 3,115
60 292,361 0.0 17,304 4,930
67 557,461 0.27 12,490 5,575
60 277,420 6.36 20,117 4,416
66 513,412 11.99 15,159 3,859
61 327,490 2.84 19,026 2,595
51 113,692 5.74 16,776 5,264
51 114,029 4.75 13,006 5,247
61 311,439 0.0 13,304 6,816
30 14,675 2.72 16,587 3,533
Time to Hours
All 99s 6,088.01
All 200m 92,049.85
Clues Score Rank F2P Rank
Beginner 35 5457 3203
Minigame Score Rank
Last Man Standing 0 0
Boss Kill Count Rank
Obor 5 2799
Bryophyta 0 0
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