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Display: Stats | Gains | Records
Last Updated: about 12 hours ago
Personal scores for Prof Zetlin
Level XP EHP Rank F2P Rank
621 1,710,910 44.0 30,075 8,722
34 20,580 4.12 40,406 7,629
40 37,260 7.45 32,263 7,726
40 39,664 7.49 22,833 5,562
40 39,832 0.0 49,704 8,158
30 13,388 3.35 30,675 7,586
31 15,094 1.08 32,961 5,295
28 11,709 0.0 43,544 8,493
67 574,536 0.28 11,886 5,639
57 203,824 4.91 22,480 5,346
64 440,500 10.79 15,923 4,143
57 204,630 1.89 21,130 3,674
29 12,638 0.69 35,592 9,191
40 39,221 1.63 21,827 8,747
44 56,284 0.0 26,466 9,452
12 1,750 0.32 23,357 6,532
Time to Hours
All 99s 6,132.22
All 200m 92,094.06
Clues Score Rank F2P Rank
Beginner 38 4816 2957
Minigame Score Rank
Last Man Standing 0 0
Boss Kill Count Rank
Obor 0 0
Bryophyta 0 0
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