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Last Updated: about 3 hours ago
Personal scores for Lion Of Weed
Level XP EHP Rank F2P Rank
1145 35,510,479 560.21 264,802 984
81 2,260,565 53.7 105,510 627
90 5,395,077 145.27 113,715 751
80 1,988,354 46.86 111,016 669
89 5,090,464 0.0 0 905
89 5,242,816 159.77 98,038 801
64 410,128 0.0 148,425 7,749
90 5,887,508 0.0 88,932 2,054
77 1,476,590 0.72 145,023 4,315
59 258,570 5.99 362,585 4,822
74 1,175,130 21.87 188,798 2,086
56 186,690 1.76 452,788 3,983
72 980,387 49.07 144,953 738
81 2,288,477 95.35 69,130 708
83 2,743,771 0.0 92,276 3,668
52 125,952 23.32 189,318 912
Time to Hours
All 99s 5,543.23
All 200m 91,505.07
Clues Score Rank F2P Rank
Beginner 353 3589 662
Minigame Score Rank
Last Man Standing 3613 1584
Boss Kill Count Rank
Obor 120 957
Bryophyta 0 0
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