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Personal scores for I have boob
Level XP EHP Rank F2P Rank
1160 83,812,845 1,409.73 13,720 276
85 3,271,301 74.24 3,575 499
97 10,865,670 266.59 3,243 297
85 3,258,594 72.52 3,314 499
98 12,101,281 0.0 0 373
99 18,979,181 471.91 1,468 54
75 1,278,660 0.0 3,146 7,479
95 9,383,630 0.0 2,153 1,963
12 1,756 0.0 83,652 11,230
90 5,477,763 79.22 2,615 642
1 30 0.0 136,401 11,284
90 5,757,975 44.45 7,695 382
75 1,314,350 65.77 5,838 426
90 5,493,066 228.88 1,261 216
90 5,890,492 0.0 2,682 3,227
70 739,096 136.87 5,803 276
Time to Hours
All 99s 4,776.25
All 200m 90,606.27
Clues Score Rank F2P Rank
Beginner 3 28914 6871
Minigame Score Rank
Last Man Standing 500 18119
Boss Kill Count Rank
Obor 0 0
Bryophyta 34 452
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